By chance and some convincing from my then-LifeGroup Leaders Dane and Megan, I ended up at Passion 2012. That winter was a very challenging time in my life – I was struggling with the perfection of Bible Belt Jesus and some of the high-minded conservative values, and trying to find my place in that. I had some pretty strong skepticism about my own faith, skepticism that I felt I needed to hide in order to blend into the pack.
In the midst of all this was a Hillsong United concert. I had seen Hillsong United about a year before in San Francisco, so I was pretty stoked, knowing the quality of their leadership and performance.
Being in the Dome in Atlanta with hundreds of thousands of other believers and singing with With Everything was amazing. At the end, the song declines into a series of whoas and ohhhhhhhhs (close to the last three minutes of the video). It is so amazing to believe in a God that can be worshipped with so many amazing words, yet when it comes down to it, all that be done is sing “whoa” to his mighty awesomeness.
After the concert, you could hear hundreds of college students leaving the arena, still singing the whoas, into the parking lot, even driving away.
Since then, this has been one of my favorite worship songs. What’re your favorite worship songs? What songs give you life and inspiration?
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