Nathanial Garrod

Category Archives: Memories

thoughts on missing my mom

Today is the anniversary of my mothers death. I frequently write on this day – for years it was a summary of the sequence of events. At this point it … Continue reading

March 29, 2016 · 2 Comments

Transformation Tuesday: The Three Musketeers

Very rarely, I decide to give in to Instagram theme days. Tuesday is always #transformationtuesday, a day to celebrate change and transformation over time. This is a picture of my … Continue reading

December 1, 2015 · Leave a Comment

Terwilliger Hill

Fast feet push the ground, but I cannot hear the thud-thud-thud because of the music in my headphones, a different kind of thud-thud-thud. I push up Terwilliger, a hill that … Continue reading

March 10, 2015 · Leave a Comment

The Man with the Drums

I knew a man once, he owned a set of drums. A nice set of drums, one you would dream of when you were a 10 year old boy. And … Continue reading

January 31, 2015 · 1 Comment

No More #sagradprobs

As a creator, I have learned that when one creates things, they have a habit of growing beyond the original, a habit of becoming new, of repurposing to fit the … Continue reading

August 27, 2014 · Leave a Comment

10 Years Time: A Memorial

I have looked cancer in the eyes, I have heard it use the voice of my mother to string together incoherent sentences, and I have felt the painful empty hole … Continue reading

March 29, 2014 · 3 Comments

That Feeling When You’re Driving

Walking home this evening, Carry On by fun. came on my iPhone music, and it gave me a flurry of memories that cascaded into a line of thoughts. — I … Continue reading

March 13, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Pictures of the Week – Week 1 (2014)

The first Pictures of the Week for 2014! For the uninitiated, every Saturday I share some of my favorite pictures from the past week. Typically, the pictures I share on … Continue reading

January 4, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Christmas Past, Christmas Gift

Growing up, Christmas was hard. I remember one year of the years we did not have a Christmas tree, my mom and I walked home at the end of the … Continue reading

December 25, 2013 · 1 Comment
