on the right is my mother, Gayle, on the day of her first wedding
i didn’t intend to talk about this much on the internet today, but many circumstances have led me here.
i don’t really have a whole lot to say, that is new or that you might not know if you know me — but my mom passed away 16 years ago today. this is likely the single most impactful event in my life and has shaped me and made me who i am. i look around, and everything i have now comes from that moment.
i’ve talked about this plenty online, but not much over the last few years. you’d have to go back a bit to see some of that. i did write a minicomic/zine about losing my mother & traveling to visit her grave (largely adapted from a 2013 post linked below).
further, the longer it has been since this time in my life, the less it feels like the single most impacting event – plenty of other things have significant value and impact.
i did want to make sure to update my collection of writings on this topic – this more serves as a so-called masterpost of the collective writings i’ve done on this subject that can be found on the social internet and are still openly accessible (to the best of my recollection).
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