My Week in Pictures!
This week was very long, and I am grateful it is over. It challenged me mentally, emotionally and physically. Yet in every time of trial, there’s cool things. I thought I’d share some of my week via photograph.
Walking to class on Monday.. it was super sunny and nice out.
I was walking around the OSU campus a bit after class and saw this. I think this is a powerful visual representation, and it makes me a bit sad that it's hidden behind the library - it should be out in the open on library lawn.
This came in the mail on Tuesday! Star Trek Ongoing Vol.1was fantastic. The first "episode" was so beautifully and fantastically written. The second one ("Galileo Seven") could have been better, but had beautiful artwork. I've been reading Quitter and it's amazing. Very inspiring book to be reading, especially as a graduate student. And the Han Solo silicon mold is awesome!
This is the ice cube that the Han Solo in carbonite mold made! It has one large mold and six small ones. I'm really tempted to start experimenting with chocolate soon...
So I really dig the iHeartRadio app. I like to use it to listen to music I don't own, or to create a playlist when I don't feel like it, and etcetera. Also, it can be nice to listen to radio stations from home. So the other day I was listening to my Far East Movement station when Ke$ha came on... but I looked at the screen and saw iCarly. It was confusing for a second. I thought I'd take a picture, just for fun.
One of my friends from undergrad posted this on Facebook the other day, and cited it as a quote from one of the professional staff members at my undergrad. I think this is incredibly important to remember at this time of year. Burnout can happen. People get frustrated and tired - students and professionals. But we need to remember to finish as strong as we started, because it's OUR image and integrity that is affected if we don't.
This past week was Greek Week at the institution I work at. On Friday night they had Spring Sing - Groups of organizations form teams and prepare a 20-ish minute skit with a story and musical numbers. This particular picture is during the last skit, when there was a slight technical difficulty and the students held this pose for about five minutes.
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Kesha is amazing no?