Nathanial Garrod

This Week in Pictures! (and videos) 4/8-4/14

Another super-busy week. Ended up driving down to work every day this week, and filling my gas tank three times! Here’s some of the photographic highlights of the week.

To celebrate Easter, I cooked up the turkey I've had in the refrigerator since just after Thanksgiving.

At work on Tuesday we had a roller rink, a zip-line and an obstacle course! It was a ton of fun and great to see the students having fun. The day was busy, as we had to move some stuff around at the last minute, but it all ended up working out.

My supervisor and some of our students move some stuff around for our Tuesday program at the last minute.

Click through to see me on a zip-line!

All this week was Student Worker Appreciation week, where we appreciate the student workers in our offices. I was placed in charge of getting gifts and stuff for the student workers in the offices near mine, which was super awesome. Here's a few of the student workers on Thursday with their hats and bumper stickers.

My street filled up with water!

Click through to see a video of rain.

Another view of my street, full of water.

Click through to see another video of rain.




2 Comments on “This Week in Pictures! (and videos) 4/8-4/14

  1. Hernan
    April 15, 2012

    Hey Nathan, good to see your doing well.

    • njgarrod
      April 15, 2012

      Thanks buddy! Good to hear from you!

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This entry was posted on April 14, 2012 by in Adventures!.
