Nathanial Garrod

Pictures of the Week: Week 36 (2014)

Over the past weekend, I fell in love with these little toys known as Plus Plus. They are a lot of fun, and you can do cool things like make a robot family with them.

Over the past weekend, I fell in love with these little toys known as Plus Plus. They are a lot of fun, and you can do cool things like make a robot family with them.

On my birthday, the Blount family took me out for pizza at the second best pizza place in Portland. It was a lot of fun.

On my birthday, the Blount family took me out for pizza at the second best pizza place in Portland. It was a lot of fun.

My first ever number birthday candles, in pizza. Can you say heart eyes dot emoji?

My first ever number birthday candles, in pizza. Can you say heart eyes dot emoji?

After pizza with The Blount's  (and Chenny), we were joined by Adam for Ice Cream!

After pizza with The Blount’s (and Chenny), we were joined by Adam for Ice Cream!

On Wednesday I wore a brown sweatervest with green jeans and a maroon bowtie. It was pretty great.

On Wednesday I wore a brown sweatervest with green jeans and a maroon bowtie. It was pretty great.

Finally making sun-tea!

Finally making sun-tea!

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This entry was posted on September 6, 2014 by in Uncategorized.
