Pictures of the Week – Week 34 (2013)
I was browsing Powells last weekend, and came across a beautiful copy of Pearl. I decided it would make an excellent addition to my bookself, so I bought it!
I have been spending a few hours every day here and there ever since trying to translate it. It has been an incredibly fun endeavor
I made the peanut butter snickerdoodles recipe I posted the other week. It failed. Epicly.
I read early in the week about a new trend called a Bookhselfie – people taking selfies with their bookshelves. I took one and posted it across my social networks. Made a few new friends, and was actually linked in some minor news websites articlel. So. That’s pretty cool.
I’m so tempted to start a Tumble called Payphones in Portland or something. I swear, I’ve seen more here than everywhere else I’ve been the past few years combined.
This is gouda and romano from Trader Joes. Started working on my review of the Mac + Cheese Cookbook from Homeroom in Oakland, so I’ve been eating a ton of mac. It’s delicious and I love every moment of it.
Was going through some of my old picture books. I found this note from my mom and it made me smile, because I totally forgot about it. I’m so blessed and lucky to have been raised by someone who cared about teaching me the importance of books. I will do everything I can to share that with everyone I can.
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