Nathanial Garrod

Oklahoma City Memorial

On Sunday, after getting some work done, I drove down to Oklahoma City in the morning. I didn’t really have a specific destination in mind, I just wanted to enjoy the sunshine and 65 degree weather. Happy that it was some semblance of warm, I drove for awhile until I found myself at the OKC Bombing Memorial.

I sat down and pulled out my moleskine to write for about half an hour, then walked around for awhile.

For those of you who haven’t been to the memorial, there are two entrance “gates.” One has 9:01 inscribed, and the other has 9:03. This is because the bomb went off at 9:02. My understanding is that the intention is that one feels the pause of time between 9:01 and 9:03.

The 9:01 Gate

The 9:01 Gate

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This entry was posted on March 5, 2013 by in Uncategorized.
