Nathanial Garrod

Portland Snow-pocalypse Pictures: The Sequel

Today in Portland, the snow continued, prompting many to continue using the term Snowpocalypse on social media as a way of referring to the weather that has practically shut down the city. Today I mostly hung out with my friends Josh and Melissa – including this post-lunch adventure where Josh tried, with moderate success, to ride his street bike in the snow….

If you missed it yesterday, I took some pictures of snow and posted some on my blog and others on Buzzfeed.

In the afternoon, I went for a walk to take pictures of my current favorite little big city on the west coast. Here are a handful of those pictures. Feel free to click each picture to enlarge it.

Davis Street near 405.

Davis Street near 405.

A look out at the city over 405.

A look out at the city over 405.

Looking into a 405 tunnel that goes under Couch street.

Looking into a 405 tunnel that goes under Couch street.

Looking down Burnside at Big Pink

Looking down Burnside at Big Pink

I take a variation of this picture almost every day on my way to work. I love the church steeple and seeing Fox Tower together.

I take a variation of this picture almost every day on my way to work. I love the church steeple and seeing Fox Tower together.

A streetcar scuttles down the line

A streetcar scuttles down the line

The north end of the South Park Blocks.

The north end of the South Park Blocks.

Dear Portland; I love you.

Dear Portland; I love you.

Mr. Lincoln, are you cold?

Mr. Lincoln, are you cold?

Roosevelt, looking proud and mighty.

Roosevelt, looking proud and mighty.

Benson Bubblers are shut off because it is so cold!

Benson Bubblers are shut off because it is so cold!

Sweet Portlandia, you are beautiful.

Sweet Portlandia, you are beautiful.

That one coffee stand that used to be a bus stop.

That one coffee stand that used to be a bus stop.

These otters greet me on the reg when I take the MAX to work.

These otters greet me on the reg when I take the MAX to work.

A view across Pioneer Square.

A view across Pioneer Square.

Pioneer Courthouse.

Pioneer Courthouse.

Someone built this beautiful snowman in Pioneer Square.

Someone built this beautiful snowman in Pioneer Square.

A view from a parking garage.

A view from a parking garage.

Looking out at Director Park from a parking garage.

Looking out at Director Park from a parking garage.

The beautifully lit streets, line with snow and car tracks.

The beautifully lit streets, line with snow and car tracks.

I'm a sucker for pictures of trees covered in snow.

I’m a sucker for pictures of trees covered in snow.

Did you love the pictures in this post? Share this post with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr!

What adventures did you have while it snowed in Portland today? Comment down below!


One Comment on “Portland Snow-pocalypse Pictures: The Sequel

  1. Pingback: Pictures from Snowpocalypse Portland | Nathanial Garrod

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This entry was posted on February 7, 2014 by in Adventures! and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , .
