Nathanial Garrod

Distance, Not Speed

IMG_7173As I am thinking more and more about trajectory, and listening to advice from people a few years older than me the thought that I need to plan for longevity, not for quickness keeps coming up.

I was thinking about this as I was running this evening and suddenly realized that I was running too fast. I need to slow down. I need to slow way down, I can feel that this is a seven minute mile pace. Maybe faster. I can run this fast for maybe a mile, then I get worn out.

Then I realized how many other places in my life the idea of slowing down to be able to achieve distance applies. This is one of my favorite things about running; everything I think and feel about running is a lesson for the rest of my life. In running, I become my own teacher. I realize what does and does not work. I make adjustments for my failures, I try again after miserable runs and I celebrate after great speed or distance runs. These things are all relevant in the rest of my life.

“Distance, not speed,” is a thing I say to myself, quietly in my head, when I am running alone. When I am running with people, this is less of a problem. One running friend always says “I can’t keep up with this pace,” another says “I think I want to do a bit slower pace” and yet another always says “If you don’t slow down you’re going to hurt yourself.” Or similar things to those.

When I look at the rest of my life, I feel that February is a month that could completely change my finances from slightly in credit-card debt to mostly out of credit card debt. February is a month that has few plans, which means lots of time to cook well, eat well, workout, run and generally take care of myself.

IMG_7178February could be the foundational stone to the rest of the year, the month that sets me in a good place.

But I have to be disciplined and practiced, which, on my own, is not a thing I am particularly good at.

I just need to remember; Distance, Not Speed.

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