Nathanial Garrod

2014 Priorities

It is so strange to be moving into 2014. Strange partly because there is no easy way to turn a 3 into a 4 when I accidently write 2013 for the first two and a half weeks of the new year, and partly because it means that 2004 is now ten years ago. Somewhere in the course of time, I have grown up, and that is a strange thing to think about.

As I have for the past few years, I plan to build this year around a handful of priorities. After my success with last years priorities, I want to continue moving forward with priorities. I think goals are great for specificity, and resolutions are great for those who feel that word best describes how they want to change their life. I choose priorities because we only have so much time in a year and we only get the things done that we prioritize. I fully believe in One Word, and that post goes live tomor row.


I want to continue to put words on paper. I want to finish a handful of short stories – I have so many started and unfinished – and a full length project. As I have more time from the whole not-being-in-school thing, I should be making writing a regular priority in my daily life. I also have been reviewing books the past couple of months, and that is a thing I greatly enjoy. I want to branch my writing into something more academic  and write something  based in my professional field to submit to a peer-reviewed journal, and/or present at a conference.


I have moved back and forth on health over the past year – I have had months where I ran everyday, months where I ran regularly, and months where I have not run. I have eaten fantastically and poorly. I want to make things more regular with my health. My runs have moved from one mile to three miles and I want to see that continue to grow more. I want to be able to fit a size that is four below my current size, and run a half marathon.


I have relied so much on my faith in the past year, and I know I will need to lean more heavily on it in the next. I am coming to a place where I actualize the realization that faith is not just this separate thing in my life, but it is all of my life. So it feels weird making it a priority, because it is engrained in the other things that are important to my life. I want to grow in my knowledge of the things I believe and be a positive impact on the faith of those around me.

I think by narrowing my priorities to these three things, my three main priorities in life over the next year, I can be successful in growing myself in all of these areas.

What are some of your priorities, goals or resolutions for the next year? Share them in comments below!

One Comment on “2014 Priorities

  1. Sunita
    December 31, 2013

    Go get ’em tiger.

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This entry was posted on December 31, 2013 by in Uncategorized.
