Nathanial Garrod

Pictures of the Week – Week 35 (2013)

I saw this in the young adult section of the library. I'm really hopeful it was intentional.

I saw this in the young adult section of the library. I’m really hopeful it was intentional.

Then I went to Powell's and saw the same book! and the book that comes before it! And it was compared to Ender's Game. Which means I'll probably be reading them soon.

Then I went to Powell’s and saw the same book! and the book that comes before it! And it was compared to Ender’s Game. Which means I’ll probably be reading them soon.

A cup of coffee at Public Domain in downtown Portland.

A cup of coffee at Public Domain in downtown Portland.

This is a freakin' giant Goodwill near The MAX stop in Beaverton.

This is a freakin’ giant Goodwill near The MAX stop in Beaverton.

If you need a Hawaiian shirt in Portland, I highly recommend this goodwill.

If you need a Hawaiian shirt in Portland, I highly recommend this goodwill.

This comic was at the post office. it made me giggle.

This comic was at the post office. It made me giggle.

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This entry was posted on August 31, 2013 by in Uncategorized.
