Nathanial Garrod

Category Archives: Adventures!

One Foot in Front of the Other: A marathon reflection

Early in grad school I decided it would be a good idea to run a marathon at some point in my life. When I made this decision, a long run … Continue reading

October 12, 2015 · 1 Comment

Rethinking Success

I have long found the word “successful” to be nebulous and imprecise, a vague term applied to an uncertain set of goals determined by a group. I remember when I … Continue reading

September 27, 2015 · Leave a Comment

Deconstruction and Time Abroad (Denmark: Days 3-5)

Deconstruction is a literary theory originating with Derrida in the late 60s. Essentially, it advocates for a reader to examine the text by pulling it apart and looking at the … Continue reading

September 1, 2015 · Leave a Comment

“We do not know how this will work yet…” (Denmark: Day 2)

Our first full day was so far beyond absolutely anything I could have dared to imagine. The activities of the day were fairly simple; breakfast, short training on the city, … Continue reading

August 28, 2015 · Leave a Comment

Travel to, and arrival in, Copenhagen

(note: I wrote the first part of this at 1:30am Portland time on a day I woke up at 6am after four and a half hours sleep. The second part … Continue reading

August 27, 2015 · Leave a Comment

Packing Woes

Honestly, I should probably be asleep right now. I have a 5:30am pick-up to the airport where I, with some members of my faith community, will be taking a flight … Continue reading

August 25, 2015 · Leave a Comment

I’m Divin’ In

After a few days camping in 90+ degree weather, the brisk mid-60s that came with standing next to a lake at 6:30am were welcome. As I strapped the life-jacket on … Continue reading

July 11, 2015 · 4 Comments

No Maps

“Yeah, I noticed your post on roads was a bit car-centric.” “That doesn’t seem unlikely, though it wasn’t intentional. I miss my car.” “You should get a ZipCar tomorrow and … Continue reading

January 19, 2015 · Leave a Comment

Rolling by the Red and Yellow Leaves

At $77, the Amtrak ticket from New Haven, Connecticut to Boston, Massachusetts was easily the most expensive ticket I bought on my trip. It was so much more, that it … Continue reading

December 6, 2014 · Leave a Comment
