Nathanial Garrod

Tag Archives: books

Five Book Weekend

Over the last weekend, I finished reading five books — instead of writing out five blog posts and scheduling them (what, each for a day this week?) I figured I … Continue reading

March 26, 2019 · Leave a Comment

The Top Five Books I Read in 2018

At the end of August, 2018 it occurred to me that the vast majority of books I read so far in the year were by white men. I looked at … Continue reading

January 7, 2019 · Leave a Comment

Book Review: Star Wars: The Last Jedi (novelization)

When I was younger, we did not have television and rarely went to the movies. This meant that if I wanted to enjoy a film a second or third time, … Continue reading

March 5, 2018 · Leave a Comment

Review: Graduation Day by Joelle Chabonneau

Malencia “Cia” Vale learns about the weight of leadership in Graduation Day, the explosive conclusion Joelle Charbonneau’s The Testing trilogy that picks up right where Independent Study left off. This … Continue reading

June 16, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Review: Expiration Day by William Campbell Powell

In his debut novel, Expiration Day,  William Campbell Powell seamlessly transports his readers to London fifty-plus years into the future. This is a dangerous world, denoted by colored zones for … Continue reading

January 24, 2014 · Leave a Comment

Review: The 100 by Kass Morgan

The 100 (when you say the title, it is The One Hundred) by Kass Morgan takes place in a future world where humanity has not been on Earth for over … Continue reading

December 30, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Book Review: Star Trek: From History’s Shadow

One major Science Fiction trope Star Trek uses over and over again is that of time travel. We always find the crew of whatever ship visiting whatever time the show … Continue reading

September 18, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Book Review: Divergent

In Divergent, Veronica Roth weaves the tale of a fractured humanity, split into five groups, well, six if you include those who do not fit into any of the groups. … Continue reading

September 13, 2013 · Leave a Comment

Reading List – Discovery of Self

A friend recently asked for some suggested reading lists. So I thought that first I would share a couple of book combinations that I have been working on for awhile. … Continue reading

August 28, 2013 · Leave a Comment
